• Mt. Clemens Ice Arena. Classes via zoom online, but you still must be dropped off 6 times for drives
*You must be 14 years and 8 months to start the class.
Monday through Thursday for 3 weeks.7-9 p.m.
Classes via zoom online, however you will still be responsible for dropping your student off 6 times for drives.
There is a mandatory parents meeting with our instructor to pay for the class, and sign contracts on Sunday March 2nd at the Ice Arena. We will email you the times one week before class starts.
Call us at 586-741-3748, However, you will get an immediate response if you email us at
Wednesday – Friday the first week 7-9 p.m.
Monday – Friday the second week 7-9 p.m.
Monday – Thursday the third week 7-9 p.m.
Classes via zoom online, however you will still be responsible for dropping your student off 6 times for drives.
Call us at 586-741-3748, However, you will get an immediate response if you email us at
Monday through Thursday for 3 weeks.7-9 p.m.
Classes via zoom online, however you will still be responsible for dropping your student off 6 times for drives.
There is a mandatory parents meeting with our instructor to pay for the class, and sign contracts on Sunday March 2nd at the Ice Arena. We will email you the times one week before class starts.
Call us at 586-741-3748, However, you will get an immediate response if you email us at
Email us at:
You will get an immediate response if you email us!
You can also call 586-741-3748
All classes at Lake Shore High School.
Monday through Thursday the first two weeks.
Tuesday Through Friday the last week
You can also Call Ms. Kettlehut at 586-285-8483 or email us at
Or Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 Or Premier driving at
Monday Through Thursday for three weeks.
You can also Call Ms. Kettlehut at 586-285-8483 or email us at
Or Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 Or Premier driving at
Monday Through Thursday for three weeks.
You can also Call Ms. Kettlehut at 586-285-8483 or email us at
Or Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 Or Premier driving at
Monday Through Thursday for three weeks.
You can also Call Ms. Kettlehut at 586-285-8483 or email us at
Or Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 Or Premier driving at
You can also Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
You can also Call Ms. Kettlhut at 586-285-8483 Or Premier driving at
586-741-3748 or email us at
You can also Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
You can also Call Ms. Kettlhut at 586-285-8483 Or Premier driving at
586-741-3748 or email us at
You can also Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
You can also Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
You can also Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
Class meets Monday through Thursday for 3 weeks
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247
Or Premier driving at 586-741-3748
or email us at PremierDriving09@aol.com
Tuesday through Friday the first week
Monday through Thursday the next two weeks
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247
Or Premier driving at 586-741-3748
or email us at PremierDriving09@aol.com
Monday through Thursday for three weeks 10:00 A.M.- Noon
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247
Or Premier driving at 586-741-3748
or email us at PremierDriving09@aol.com
Call Dan Wagberg to sign up.
Must have had your level one license for 3 months
Must have 30 hours behind the wheel
Call Dan Wagberg to sign up.
Must have had your level one license for 3 months
Must have 30 hours behind the wheel
Call Dan Wagberg to sign up.
Must have had your level one license for 3 months
Must have 30 hours behind the wheel
Call Dan Wagberg to sign up.
Must have had your level one license for 3 months
Must have 30 hours behind the wheel
Please call 586-439-4668 for information on all classes.
You can go to the following website for a list of classes
If you click on the following link, you will be brought to all upcoming Segment 1 and 2 classes. You can also pay at that website through pay schools.
Call 586-439-4668
Tuesday through Thursday for 4 Weeks
3:15-5:15 p.m.
To Sign up:
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247
Or Email us at Premierdriving09@aol.com
Monday through Thursday for 3 Weeks
8-10 a.m.
To Sign up:
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247
Or Email us at Premierdriving09@aol.com
Monday through Thursday for 3 weeks.
8 -10 a.m.
To Sign up:
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247
Or Email us at Premierdriving09@aol.com
Must have had your level one license for 3 months
Must have 30 hours behind the wheel and a log to prove it
Tuesday through Friday the first week
Monday through Thursday the second week
Monday through Friday the third week
Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
We must have 8 students to run the class. Call now.
You can Call Dan Wagberg at 586-322-9247 or email us at
We must have 6 students to run the class
We must have 6 students to run the class
Manistee Armory
The Manistee Youth Project!
555 1st Street
Manistee Mi. 49660231-250-9779
Call Mr. Guzikowski for information
Call Mr. Guzikowski
508 N. Washington
Ludington Mi. 49431231-690-5950
Having the right knowledge in driving is crucial in determining whether you are road-ready or not. We also offer private driving lessons to give you knowledge and the necessary skills that can help you while you are on the road. Schedule an appointment today! Contact us using the number listed on this website to learn more about our driving school and how we can help you.